Men, plastic surgery and why men of all ages are taking control of their bodies.

We live in a society that gives significant weight to youth and beauty—a fact that affects both women and men. But time, stress, and the convenience of the Taco Bell drive-through can take any man from solid collegiate to middle-aged and flabby, in the blink of an eye. Plastic surgery offers men the opportunity to age with confidence, as well as gain a cut above their competition in the workplace. Based on our experience, here are six common plastic surgery procedures for men.

6 Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men

  1. Liposuction: Love handles, beer gut, potbelly. Call it what you will, but that excess fat across the stomach and around the flanks has never been the envy of any man. As men age, pockets of fat tend to accumulate around these areas. And because these areas are the most resistant to diet and exercise, trying to get rid of them on your own may be next to impossible. For most men, liposuction can effectively eliminate these problem areas. The results are immediate.
  2. Tummy Tuck: A full abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” may be chosen by men who have hanging abdominal skin (usually the result of massive weight loss), loose abdominal muscles, and/or neglected hernias. This procedure is significantly more invasive than liposuction and requires a longer period for recover. Nonetheless, a tummy tuck offers optimal results when your needs extend beyond simply fat removal.  
  3. Gynecomastia: In addition to the undesirable fat growth at the midsection, many men also suffer an accumulation of fat at their chest as they age. Gynecomastia is for anyone who has extra fat and glandular tissue around their pectoral muscles. Results are achieved by liposuction and/or excision by removing excess glandular tissue and fat that cause breast enlargement. This procedure is one of the biggest trends in male plastic surgery, and is performed on men of all ages to restore the male physique and confidence.
  4. Facelift: Sagging skin, deep creases, unusual fat deposits…where did these come from? Facelift surgery allows us to reverse the changes to the skin and muscles of our face that occur as result of time and gravity. A facelift procedure involves a suspending and tightening of the muscles of the face. This part of the procedure creates a strong foundation for the lift, and allows for greater tightening of the skin. The intent being to simply reestablish the natural contours of the neck, jawline and the cheek—restoring a more youthful appearance to the face.
  5. Upper/Lower Eyelids: There is nothing that reminds us more of our age and the stress endured over the years, than the deep lines, sagging lids and heavy bags that accumulate around the eyes. This procedure erases the look of tired eyes. Eyelid surgery subtly revitalizes the appearance by getting rid of any puffiness or drooping skin around eyes. Eyelid surgery is minimally invasive, recovery is brief, and the results are life changing.
  6. Neck lift: Loose skin anywhere is never a good thing, and that dreaded turkey gobbler is no exception. Neck lift surgery gets rid of any loose skin or fat in the chin, to help the jaw stand out and get rid of any “jowls.” For this procedure, incisions are made around the earlobe or behind the ears, underlying muscles are tightened, and excess fat is removed. The final product is a restoration of a strong, masculine jaw line.

Have your beer and drink it too! Men of all ages are taking back control over the effects of time. Not only are men having plastic surgery, it has gained in popularity so much over the last decade that the “mommy makeover” is now being countered with the “daddy do-over.” Feeling good about yourself is an essential element to happiness that should be enjoyed by both men and women, alike. If you (or your spouse) are considering plastic surgery, Dr. Madda can restore the natural youthful appearance you once possessed.